Op-Ed: We Decided It’s Time To Speak Up

We have been deeply troubled by the political discourse of the last several years, the insurrection of January 6th, the disinformation that flies around social media and elsewhere, and the wild conspiracy theories that attempt to blame government and more specifically, Democrats for all that ails this country.

‘Student Union’ Takes on New Meaning at Dartmouth College

At a rally held Thursday in front of McNutt Hall, union members, mostly international students, described the long hours, inadequate pay, and the disrespect they experience from white, privileged Dartmouth students who make up much of the student body. 

State Alerts YDC Abuse Victims About Controversial Settlement Process

Attorney General John Formella has given notice to former residents of the state’s YDC/SYSC and similar facilities that they may be entitled to file a claim with the state’s new $100 million-dollar YDC Settlement Fund, but the attorney representing about 900 victims said the program is destined to fail.