Op-Ed: Pride Month Reminded Us Equality Fight Is Ongoing

Pride Month has come to an end. June marked the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, a six-day protest in Greenwich Village, NY, that sparked the modern-day LGBTQ+ rights movement in America.

Celebrate America: See You July 4 at Strawbery Banke

Need a pick me up? A reminder that in spite of all that has transpired, is transpiring, will transpire in this land of the free – for most, home of the brave – for all, the United States is still a country where people believe in the possible, the impossible, the American dream.

Roger Wood Still Loves His Ham Radio

In his latest podcast, podcast producer Roger Wood delves into his favorite hobby, with an invitation for others to join him.

Congressman Dick Swett: Civility, Vision, and Honor Matter

In an era where civility is a rare commodity, recalling the way that Dick Swett conducted himself as a US Congressman and later as an Ambassador to Denmark is a reminder that civility, humility and conscience are still honorable and – perhaps even possible again.

Faith Community Delivers a Pro-Immigrant Message to Congress in Nashua

-People began filing into the Nashua Unitarian Church for the Faith Forum on Immigration a little before 7 p.m. on June 29.  Black, brown, white, young, old, and in between, mostly masked, about 80 people spread out in the sanctuary’s wooden pews. 

Welcome To The Ugly Era of 22 Cent Electricity

To paraphrase revolutionary pamphleteer Thomas Paine, these are the times that try ratepayers’ souls. The arrival of 22 cent electricity on August 1 in New Hampshire is the biggest and scariest energy-related news to hit the Granite State in 26 years.