Congressional Delegation Endorses Tom Sherman for Governor

“I have seen firsthand how hard Tom works for the people of New Hampshire — whether it was the critical role he played in expanding Medicaid or our work together to help ensure clean drinking water for Granite Staters.  On issues from protecting a woman’s fundamental freedom to lowering costs, Granite Staters can trust Tom to deliver for them and that is why I am proud to endorse him,” said U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H.

Faith Community Delivers a Pro-Immigrant Message to Congress in Nashua

-People began filing into the Nashua Unitarian Church for the Faith Forum on Immigration a little before 7 p.m. on June 29.  Black, brown, white, young, old, and in between, mostly masked, about 80 people spread out in the sanctuary’s wooden pews. 

Women On The Bench Are A Minority In N.H., Study Shows

The Foundation is making recommendations: calling on the governor to nominate more women and minorities to reflect the state’s population; that there be more women on the governor’s judicial selection commission; and that they publish gender/minority data, along with the New Hampshire Bar Association.

Gerrymandering Is Alive and Well in the 603

You can pass resolutions, express your opinion at public hearings and before legislative committees, birddog the lawmakers making the decisions, but you cannot stop the majority party from giving itself every advantage it can to retain power when it redraws political boundaries.

Shaheen Addresses National Press on Ukraine

As the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine looms, U.S. Jeanne Shaheen, D-NH, held a national press briefing Thursday to go over her trip there this week and discussed President Joe Biden’s comments Wednesday on defending Ukraine sovereignty.