Eagle Pass, Texas Residents Reject Northern Invasion

While Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has repeatedly railed against an “invasion” of migrants crossing the Rio Grande River into Texas, some residents of Eagle Pass, a border town where Abbott has taken over a city park and plans to build a new military base, are experiencing an invasion from the other direction. 

Dartmouth Men’s Basketball Team Votes In Favor of Union Representation

“Today is a big day for our team. We stuck together all season and won this election,” said Dartmouth juniors Cade Haskins and Romeo Myrthil, in a statement. “It is self-evident that we as students can also be both campus workers and union members. Dartmouth seems to be stuck in the past. It’s time for the age of amateurism to end.”

Local News Blues: Does it really have to be this hard?

I founded AfroLA as a nonprofit digital local news outlet in order to provide solutions-focused, data-driven and community-centered journalism for Los Angeles told through the lens of the Black community. We’ve focused our work on how issues disparately impact L.A.’s most vulnerable groups and communities of color.