Seniors Target Bank of America in Concord over Fossil Fuels

The day after the United Nations released another dire report on the unfolding climate disaster, 55 people, almost all over 60, showed up outside Bank of America’s branch on Storrs Street in Concord with signs and banners protesting the financial giant’s complicity in fossil fuel use.

Radio Free New Hampshire: Will Trump Get Out of His Own Way?

I write this article not knowing if Donald Trump will get arrested this week. He seems to think he will be. He has called for demonstrations against that happening, which means that his lawyers must be pulling their hair out, because their client is failing the first test of facing criminal charges. He is acting like a criminal.

Picking Fly-Fishing Collectibles

Winter is winding down, although begrudgingly. Just when I think the weather is going to cooperate enough to get back on the water, another storm comes along or the Montreal Express comes down to put us in a big freeze.

The Long Relay Race toward Justice

Suffice it to say that photographs and letters from the likes of Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, Andrew Young, Gloria Steinhem, and an entire range of business and nonprofit executives worldwide adorn her walls.