Portsmouth Photographer’s ‘Power of Place’ Explores Northern Pass

Roger Wood interviews Portsmouth photographer Jerry Monkman, whose video “The Power of Place” explores the places, issues, and people affected by Northern Pass, a proposed 180-mile long electricity transmission line project in New Hampshire that will carry electricity from Quebec to southern New England.

Opinion: The Opportunity Costs of Northern Pass

Wayne King of Rumney is opposed to Northern Pass. He is an author, artist and activist and was a three-term State Senator who chaired the Senate Economic Development Committee and the NH Senate Economic Summit.

Plymouth Protesters Say No To Northern Pass as State Regulators Pass By Unnoticed

UPDATED: Northern Pass spokesman Martin Murray responded to InDepthNH.org at 10:20 p.m. Tuesday saying many people met the Site Evaluation Committee members at the court house and followed them the entire tour. “From my perspective, most of the folks along Main Street were quite aware of the committee’s arrival and walking tour,” Murray said.