Legal Expert: New Hampshire’s Bills Mirror National Trends in Anti-Trans Legislation

In a recent wave of legislation that impacts transgender people in New Hampshire, another bill was heard before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. This bill, HB 1664, would establish standards to recover damages for “injury caused by gender transition surgery, administration of puberty blocking drugs, and/or the administration of cross-sex hormones.”

Adam Montgomery’s Deep Hatred for Harmony Presented at End of State’s Case

Prosecutors wrapped up their case Tuesday, presenting a few final witnesses including: Maines; Douglas Small, the grandfather of Adam Montgomery’s girlfriend Kelsey Small; Massachusetts State Police Detective Bryan Hernandez who searched for Harmony’s body in Revere, Massachusetts marshes, and Manchester Police Detective Matthew Larochelle who followed leads when police still hoped Harmony was alive.

One Person Dies in Litchfield Fire

Positive identification of the victim and cause and manner of death are pending an autopsy that will take place at the NH State Medical Examiner’s Office in Concord, NH, on 2/21/24.

AG: Salem Couple’s Death Possible Murder-Suicide

The autopsies were conducted by Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jennie Duval.  Dr. Duval determined that the cause of Ms. Barrett’s death was a gunshot wound to the head, and that the manner of her death was homicide.  Dr. Duval determined that the cause of Mr. Molinari’s death was a single self-inflicted gunshot wound and that the manner of his death was suicide.