What is a Word?

Is “ish” a word?  Until recently it was only a suffix, first attached to national names (“English, Swedish”), then to various nouns (“selfish, childish”), and then to almost any short adjective, meaning “sort of” or “in a way” (“brownish, youngish”). 

Time for Our Grid Operator To Ditch Delaware

What’s more important to New Hampshire: An elite boarding school — or the nonprofit organization that runs all of New England’s high voltage transmission grid, oversees the buying and selling of electricity throughout the six-state region, and keeps our lights on?

‘My Friend Anne Frank’ Is a 2024 Must Read

I encourage everyone of any age to read “My Friend Anne Frank.” But first please read “The Diary of Anne Frank” and of course the “Diary of Petr Ginz,” the story of a young Jewish boy who lived in Czechoslovakia during World War II and died in Auschwitz at age 16.  

Hours Left To Help InDepthNH.org’s NewsMatch

As I write this, we still have almost 6 hours left to NewsMatch, InDepthNH.org’s major fundraiser of the year. What you donate will help us continue reporting unbiased, nonpartisan news without fear or favor. We also want to thank you for what you have given so far. I believe I will be able to say when all donations are in that this will be our best ever fundraiser.