Distant Dome: Lawmakers May Need to Face the Budget Music
Or they may ignore the quagmire of picking winners and losers with an election looming and leave the mess to the next legislature to clean up.
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/category/features/page/18/)
Voices of the personalities and people of the Granite State.
Or they may ignore the quagmire of picking winners and losers with an election looming and leave the mess to the next legislature to clean up.
Vouchers are all the rage in NH thanks in large part to Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut who promised the cost would be about $3 million in the first two years. It was actually $23 million and 90 percent of that went to parents who were already sending their kids to private or religious schools or homeschooling.
Groups in Texas and New Hampshire say deploying the New Hampshire National Guard to Texas, where 15 New Hampshire soldiers joined Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star this week, wastes tax dollars better spent elsewhere.
They have already made eight trips to war-torn Ukraine. Now, New Hampshire people are gearing up for their 9th aid mission.
Fart is fairly easy to track, both noun and verb. All our Germanic siblings have the word, though with varying vowels or a switch of the r and the vowel.
Most of the attention will be on the presidential race and the two open races in New Hampshire for governor and the 2nd Congressional District, but what will have a far greater effect on your life will be who are the members elected to the New Hampshire House and Senate.
Strengthening the knee to get back out on the water has been a long process. If I did the majority of my fly fishing from a canoe or a drift boat, I might not be so particular and thorough about my knee rehabilitation.
It’s lovely and I think fondly both on getting ready for a church celebration by shining my patent leathers with Vaseline and also uncovering my mother’s stash of Peeps in her closet.
We were in court last week to try to undo the damage caused by the state’s and ConVal plaintiffs’ objection to consolidating the Rand and ConVal cases for trial.