‘Summer of 1787,’ a Love Story to the Constitution
I am tired of the name calling, back-stabbing and vicious personal attacks that the mainstream policy brokers in Congress get away with. Thus, I decided to read a love story. (
Monica West reviews books for Monica is known for her love of history and her lifelong love for reading. She has a bachelor’s degree in History, with a minor in English. “My years of reading for leisure and pleasure have given me the insight to read a book and analyze the author’s baggage, cargo and ability to write the language of his/her mind and utilize the gift of prose to educate and entertain the reader. Go get a book, read it and enjoy the adventure.” Contact Monica at
I am tired of the name calling, back-stabbing and vicious personal attacks that the mainstream policy brokers in Congress get away with. Thus, I decided to read a love story.
Secret oaths were demanded by officials of our government to make sure security of our code-breaking secrets were not breached.
“Addiction, both personal and communal, can be transformed into a learning that makes us stronger than before.”
Winston Churchill is the pawn who becomes the king and keeps his mother’s secrets.
Paul Brogan’s review of the movie business is in-depth and mind-boggling.
It is a story of the last six years of Bonaparte’s life. The world was at war.
Monica finds almost all of the books she reviews in her local library.
Rob Azevedo had me at the very beginning when he dedicates his book to “MOM.”
You will probably change sides a few times as I did.
Contempt is a must-read if you are a Protrumper, a Nevertrumper or someone who is just interested in the course of politics in our time.
This book made me think about this country and how we push kids today to get their educations.
I decided that I needed a trip out of the country.
Go to the library and get it. You will like it.
Why is this children’s book such a hit? Kindness is the reason.
The author includes interviews with six individuals from Kurdistan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen and Egypt.