Unanimous Support for Repealing Divisive Concepts Law
The prime sponsor of HB 1162, Rep. Peter Petrigno, D-Milford, said the law on the books is an insult to public school teachers. (
The prime sponsor of HB 1162, Rep. Peter Petrigno, D-Milford, said the law on the books is an insult to public school teachers.
A bill banning public school educators and staff from using students’ names or pronouns different from those given at birth without parental permission is disrespectful and harmful, a House committee was told Tuesday.
The calls went out two days before the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire with the caller sounding like President Joe Biden saying: “Your vote makes a difference in November, not this Tuesday.”
The New Hampshire legislature is considering a bill to join our Maine and Vermont neighbors to allow New Hampshire residents with a terminal illness, in consultation with two medical providers, the option of ending their suffering and having a peaceful death.
Regional Director Laura A. Sacks concluded, “Because Dartmouth has the right to control the work performed by the Dartmouth men’s basketball team, and the players perform that work in exchange for compensation, I find that the petitioned-for basketball players are employees within the meaning of the [National Labor Relations] Act.”
Limited access to affordable child care creates significant challenges for New Hampshire’s families and economy, and may hinder New Hampshire’s efforts to support a robust workforce.[
Kim Bock is the executive director of the New Hampshire Coalition of Recovery Residences.
Having open communication with teens about what is healthy and unhealthy is critical in helping them identify potential issues and more importantly how to handle these situations and seek out support.
In early September 2023, when the MacArthur Foundation announced Press Forward – a $500 million commitment “to revitalize Local News” – the general response among independent local news publishers seemed to be polite cynicism.
These anti-trans bills aren’t meant to help kids, they’re preventing kids who need the care from getting it. And they won’t stop at banning healthcare for trans youth or banning schools from discussing LGBTQ+ topics. The goal is to stigmatize and spread misinformation, which is why we need to stop all of these bills in their tracks.
The Claremont school funding litigation began in 1990. There are a few bits of history that should be touched on before we launch into the Claremont story because they explain why litigation was necessary and why it was pursued in the way it was.
Blue lining refers to the fact that the blue lines on maps indicate rivers and streams, which in turn means the possibility of fishy water.
Coyotes, when NOT hunted, stabilize their own population. Coyotes, when hunted, respond reproductively by increasing their numbers. There is no debate about this. Coyotes cannot be controlled.
Officers from the Littleton Police Department were first to arrive on scene. Officers entered the home and found one person dead. The fire self-extinguished prior to the arrival of the fire department.
While Texas Gov. Greg Abbott may have a lot of support from Texans in his attempt to start a civil war over immigrants at his border with Mexico, he has yet to convince his Republican controlled Legislature of the value of an education voucher program.
The deadline was at 5 p.m. Friday for Carrie Gendreau and other candidates to file for a three-year selectman’s term. Gendreau did not sign up by the 5 p.m. deadline, according to Town Clerk Angela Brousseau.
Rep. Terry Roy, R-Deerfield, the prime sponsor of House Bill 1711, speaks to the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee Friday.
You would readily conclude that it considers itself a part of England, or did so once, because of its 234 cities and towns the majority are named after British cities and towns, and of these most are English. is now offering obituaries through the service. We view this as part of our public service mission. Click here or on the Obituaries tab at the top of our home page to learn more.
Police found Alex Talcott dead on his bathroom floor, bleeding from stab wounds in his neck, with a glass of water and an apple close by.