Me and My President of the United States

This picture is of Marilyn G. Singer, late of Concord, N.H, conversing with Candidate Biden in early February, 2020. She was 91 at the time. It was taken at a campaign event in Concord by her daughter, Lyn Lindpaintner.

Op-Ed: A new governor sets her agenda. Sort of.

With all of the uncertainty swirling about education in NH as a result of school funding lawsuits and cretinous efforts to micro-manage what is taught in schools and who can use which bathroom, Governor Ayotte’s leading new policy announcement was (drumroll) to ban cellphones in schools. Republicans cheered.

Op-Ed: Home Educator Opposes Education Freedom Account Program

As a New Hampshire citizen/taxpayer, and as a past home education parent who did not seek or receive any voucher, tax credit, or other taxpayer funding during our homeschool years, I find the ongoing debate about expansion of New Hampshire’s EFA (Education Freedom Account) program particularly fun to follow.