The 2025 session of the New Hampshire legislature began with a number of hot button issues that have garnered headlines from universal Education Freedom Accounts to restricting abortion rights.
Op-Ed: ‘Shocking Testimony’ on Education Freedom Account Program
She strongly opposed so-called “freedom” accounts and schools which escape the scrutiny accorded our public schools.
Me and My President: Gerri Cannon and President Joe Biden
This picture was taken in Dover, N.H., on July 12, 2019 with candidate Joe Biden.
Op-Ed: A new governor sets her agenda. Sort of.
With all of the uncertainty swirling about education in NH as a result of school funding lawsuits and cretinous efforts to micro-manage what is taught in schools and who can use which bathroom, Governor Ayotte’s leading new policy announcement was (drumroll) to ban cellphones in schools. Republicans cheered.
Op-Ed: Home Educator Opposes Education Freedom Account Program
As a New Hampshire citizen/taxpayer, and as a past home education parent who did not seek or receive any voucher, tax credit, or other taxpayer funding during our homeschool years, I find the ongoing debate about expansion of New Hampshire’s EFA (Education Freedom Account) program particularly fun to follow.
Distant Dome: Lawmakers Increasingly Trying to Upend Local Control
But in recent years, the New Hampshire legislature has been attempting what was once the unthinkable in our Granite State, trying to upend once precious “local control.”
Op-Ed: It is time for term limits
There has never been a better example of the need for term limits than demonstrated recently in the mud wrestling over the federal budget.
Op-Ed: The Designation of the Frances Perkins Monument in Newcastle, Maine
My former Sunday School students will recognize the name of Frances Perkins, the first woman to serve as a member of a presidential cabinet. It’s important to know about her and what she accomplished, and helped FDR accomplish.
Op-Ed: Marjorie Porter Opposes Proposed ‘Pocket Veto’ for NH
That’s why I am very disturbed to hear the current majority leader has filed an amendment to the rules to institute a pocket veto in NH and allow committees to determine what bills they will be heard. In the Live Free or Die state, the peoples’ voices should be heard.
Op-Ed: A Scarcity Perspective
There are ten cookies on a plate. Good ones, not Oreo double stuff. The rich guy in charge takes nine of the cookies and gives them to his friends. He then tells you, “Look out, that guy in the shadows over there is trying to take your cookie.”