New Challenge Filed To State Education Funding System

A lawsuit filed Tuesday in Grafton County Superior Court by state residential and commercial property owners claims the state failed to meet the 1997 Supreme Court’s Claremont II decision declaring the use of local property taxes with varying rates to pay for the state’s obligation to provide its students with an adequate education is unconstitutional.

Welcome To The Ugly Era of 22 Cent Electricity

To paraphrase revolutionary pamphleteer Thomas Paine, these are the times that try ratepayers’ souls. The arrival of 22 cent electricity on August 1 in New Hampshire is the biggest and scariest energy-related news to hit the Granite State in 26 years.

Veto Override Try Expected On Landfill Setback Bill

Rep. Edith Tucker, D-Randolph, the prime sponsor of House Bill 1454, said in response to Gov. Chris Sununu’s veto of the legislation aimed at making sure future solid waste landfills do not pollute New Hampshire waters that she expects a veto override attempt.

Sununu Signs Controversial Firearms Bill Into Law

 “New Hampshire has a proud tradition of responsible firearms stewardship, and I’ve long said that I’m not looking to make any changes to our laws,” Sununu said. “This bill will ensure that New Hampshire’s law enforcement efforts will be on our own State firearms laws – and that’s where I believe their focus should be.”