Distant Dome: Many Gifts Have Been Given This Year Already

The best gift for everyone in the world this year would be the end of the pandemic and a return to something resembling normalcy. But when 5.4 million people have lost their lives — 800,000 in the United States — the world will not return to normal.

Op-Ed: The New Hampshire We Love

Anger and hostility have overtaken respect and civil decorum. So-called “Free Staters” are here explicitly to create a libertarian paradise that worships the individual and seeks to eliminate government.

Celebrate December: Remember To Fill Your Own Tank

Gifts for others is paramount this time of year, but as I reflect upon the past twelve months, I think of those moments where I filled my own tank with gas thereupon making it far easier to be just a little kinder, a little more patient, a little bit of a better me.