Sy Montgomery Dances on the West Wind with ‘The Hawk’s Way’

Researching articles, films, and her 31 books for adults and children, nationally bestselling author Sy Montgomery has been chased by an angry silverback gorilla in Rwanda, hunted by a tiger in India, and swum with piranhas, electric eels and pink dolphins in the Amazon.

Radio Free New Hampshire: Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Judy Garland’s blue and white checkered dress from The Wizard of Oz is coming up for auction again. There were apparently a handful of these dresses, so this seems to happen periodically. The last time, it went for more than a million dollars.

New Hampshire Has Lost One of its Best Journalists, John DiStaso

Although we both had been around New Hampshire journalism for a while, I did not meet John until a “press conference” with the executive officers of Northeast Utilities who were offering a settlement agreement to end Public Service of New Hampshire’s bankruptcy in 1989.

Clearly, Clear Bins are the Best

Today I muse joyfully on the adverb, “clearly.” I love when people use this word, say things like, “clearly, I am mad” or “clearly, you are confused.