Moments of Pure Joy As Summer Vacation Is Here

And mercifully, every year for decades, I have this one moment of joy so pure, I pause and not only muse joyfully, I exhale, I feel as though I am an eight year old, I literally jump for happiness so glorious I weep. 

Citizens United Has Tilted the Scale

Swinging the money door wide open without what had been the ability to know where the money is coming from, makes you wonder who the candidates running for federal office serve.

A Legacy of Staying Informed

My mother and aunts all received degrees from the College of our Lady of the Elms. My grandmother was adamant her girls be educated, informed, prepared for a world dominated by fools, by dopes who hoped to believe their own foolish lies.

Radio Free NH: Truth and Freedom Walk Hand in Hand

They make their money first, then gain office (often using their money to do so), then leave office, and use their new connections (gained in office) to make yet more money. They also allow their children to benefit, both before, during, and after their own service (that’s the Hunter Biden story in a nutshell).