‘Claremont III’ Steve Rand Steps into the Education Breach

I wanted to speak with someone who came at this from an experiential basis; someone who has lived the disparities on a day-to-day and year-to-year basis. Someone who has seen how the system short-changes our kids and our communities.

Summertime and the Races are Heating Up in N.H.

So while other states and their citizens may leave politics behind for the next two months, New Hampshire and its residents along with three other states — Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Delaware — have September primaries.

Carved in Granite – Jeremy Osgood Breathes Plausible Life into the Chocorua Myth

In writing a fictional account of the Chocorua story Jeremy Osgood has tackled the unknowable. Taking on the challenge of providing mythical “documentation” where there is none by utilizing the rich history of folklore and myth surrounding the Chocorua story as a tapestry into which he weaves his own version of the myth.

Op-Ed: A Missed Opportunity…Again

The usual players from the state were present on the call. New Hampshire Hospital CEO Ellen Lapointe was clearly the designated speaker. Nothing really new was shared. The same citizen concerns remained.

Happy July 4 N.H.: Meet Your New Citizen Neighbors

Today’s Naturalization Ceremony in Portsmouth’s historic Strawbery Banke was the place to be – where pomp wore red, white and blue, where circumstance carried American flags, where 72 citizens from 32 countries became America’s newest citizens.