Thanks Mike Marland

And thanks to all our readers who keep on giving. Only $609 to go for April.

Traveler Surveys and Political Polls . . . ‘Cause It’s Witchcraft’

As this would put the twelve labors of Hercules to shame, scientifically-based estimates have been substituted. While lacking the “fillet of fenny snake (and) eye of newt” from Macbeth Act 4, Scene 1, skeptics say there is an element of witchcraft in the mix. Let’s have a closer look.

Mike’s Running Out of Time

UPDATE: This just in. Donations are flying in. Two more $25 donations. Only need $609. THANKS. Today is the day to wrap this up! In one week, it will be too late. Now when you donate to our Crowdrise Adopt Mike Marland fundraising campaign you’ll get stuff from Mike! He will update CrowdRise regularly.

Sunday Toon Early To Raise $659 in 9 Days

We are celebrating your generosity by posting Mike’s Sunday cartoon early. Click inside. The good news is now we only need $659 more to pay Mike through April. You love his work. You can do this. The even better news is Mike gives YOU presents for supporting him.