Judge in Education Lawsuit Case Recuses Himself

Justice Lawrence MacLeod said Wednesday it was not apparent to him that he could have a potential or perceived conflict until after a hearing Friday on the plaintiffs’ request for an injunction to block the state from setting the rate for the Statewide Education Property Tax.

Lincoln Soldati, Friend to Many, Has Died at Age 73

Lincoln Soldati was the rare public servant who always took my calls, always responded to my questions and always tried to help explain whatever law or rule I was writing about as simply as possible so people could understand the legal world he operated in as Strafford County Attorney for many years, then as a defense attorney.

Claremont’s Hip Hop Patriot House Candidate Denies Cocaine Charges

Jeremy Herrell, the self-styled Hip Hop Patriot who is running as a GOP candidate for a seat in the New Hampshire House, says he was not arrested by the Vermont and New Hampshire Drug Task Forces, and that he did not become an informant in a subsequent cocaine trafficking case, despite the court records and booking sheet obtained by this reporter.