How Utilities Make Profits in NH

As natural gas and, especially, electric rates have soared in recent months there is widespread concern that utilities, their shareholders, and their executives are profiting handsomely at the expense of struggling ratepayers.

NHPBS Asks What’s the Secret to a Long, Happy and Healthy Life?

“You can blame it on a cocktail party,” says Cathleen Toomey, Vice President of Marketing at the RiverWoods Group, a family of Continuing Care Retirement Communities. “Because I live in a small town and have worked for RiverWoods for many years, people would come to me at pre-COVID cocktail or dinner parties, even at the grocery store, with questions about aging.”

‘Student Union’ Takes on New Meaning at Dartmouth College

At a rally held Thursday in front of McNutt Hall, union members, mostly international students, described the long hours, inadequate pay, and the disrespect they experience from white, privileged Dartmouth students who make up much of the student body. 

Gubernatorial candidates clash in first debate

It was, at times, a fiery exchange between the two gubernatorial candidates on issues of how to steer the state on issues of the economy, a new abortion law, taxation, education choice, and leadership during COVID-19.