Cyanobacteria in NH Lakes An Increasing Problem That May Be Linked to ALS

“Cyanobacteria is the biggest threat to New Hampshire that no one knows about, ” said Rosemarie Ring, D-Salem, who in 2022 with state Sen. Suzanne Prentiss, D-Lebanon, sponsored a bill to create the 17-member Cyanobacteria Plan Advisory Committee to create a report “supported by scientific data” which “shall include measurable milestones,” and a state strategy to prevent the increase and eventually control cyanobacteria blooms.

Speaking of Words: Verb Tense and Verb Aspect

Tense can be defined as the point on the time-line that the action expressed by the verb takes place, with reference to the act of speaking, and in English there are three such points: past, present, and future.  Quite a few languages have more than three.