Your search for david vicinanzo returned 47 results

State Alerts YDC Abuse Victims About Controversial Settlement Process

Attorney General John Formella has given notice to former residents of the state’s YDC/SYSC and similar facilities that they may be entitled to file a claim with the state’s new $100 million-dollar YDC Settlement Fund, but the attorney representing about 900 victims said the program is destined to fail.

November 2, 2022 |

Police Called To YDC Incidents Again Friday and Today, Few Details Released

MANCHESTER – Less than a month after police were called to the Sununu Youth Services Center in Manchester for a report of a “riot,” police were called for more trouble three times so far Friday and today to the locked juvenile facility, although officials won’t say what happened.

September 10, 2022 |

New Complaint: YDC Guards Enticed Teen To Slash Wrists, Orchestrated His Rape

A new complaint in the lawsuit against YDC contains horrific allegations backed by a former guard saying staff encouraged one resident to kill himself by slipping razor blades under his door, orchestrated a campaign that led to him being raped and then recruited older residents to rape the former guard who is now speaking out.

July 19, 2022 |