The U.S. has spent at least $2.8 trillion on counterterrorism since 9/11

Center for Public Integrity: The United States has spent a lot of money on counterterrorism since the 9/11 attacks. But nobody has been keeping good track of just how much, until now. The task still consumes a sixth of America’s annual discretionary spending.

Looking for Hope? You’ll Find it at The Dump on Buffalo Road in Rumney

Sonny greets me smiling and gives me the weather report and points out an immature Bald Eaglet sitting atop a large gravel pile where he or she has the best view of everything happening at the Transfer Station. “Its been here all day,” he says excitedly…No one, even the most partisan of activists, cares if you are a Democrat or a Republican.

Did NH Supreme Court Miss ‘The Forest for the Trees’ In Eversource Gas Case?

The PUC’s October 2016 decision prevented Eversource from entering a 20-year agreement with Algonquin Gas that would have expanded an existing natural gas pipeline through the Access Northeast project. The PUC said the proposal violated the state’s electric deregulation statutes, but the court disagreed.