Op-Ed: Cog Railway Development Proposed Atop Mt. Washington

On March 4, 2022, Wayne Presby, owner of the Cog, announced a proposal to offer “upscale accommodations,” consisting of 18 Pullman-like cars situated about 500 feet below the summit on the 99-foot wide Cog-owned right-of-way that runs from its base camp to the summit.

The View from Rattlesnake Ridge: Our Moment

The dramatic changing weather here in the valley between Rattlesnake Ridge and the Waterville Range has produced days and nights well below zero interspersed with a few calm and pleasant ones. One warmer night seemed to summon forth the Barred Owls with their enchanting calls whoooo, who cooks for youuuu.

Michael Fischler: 50 Years of Giving, Caring, and Empathy

When Michael Fischler retired in 2017 after 50 years of dedicated service to the Plymouth State College Community he was at the height of his career, when a firestorm erupted over allegations against a former graduate student for whom he (along with dozens of other former teachers and mentors) had written glowing recommendations.

Biden Announces Reforms To Improve Nursing Home Care

The reforms will improve the safety and quality of nursing home care, hold nursing homes accountable for the care they provide, and make the quality of care and facility ownership more transparent so that potential residents and their loved ones can make informed decisions about care.