Let Us Post Your Holiday and Everyday Photos

We at InDepthNH.org invite our readers to share their recent photos with us and, ultimately, the whole world. Send us your 4th of July weekend pics. indepthnhphotos@gmail.com

OP-ED: DOT Should Follow NH Law for Northern Pass Burial Route

OP-ED: The selection of smaller state roads has been fraught with challenges that would be absent in the Route 93 corridor. Smaller roads such as Route 116 in Franconia and Easton are simply too narrow to accommodate burial of HVDC lines without encroachment upon private property.

No Helicopter Parents, Please. It’s Summer.

It doesn’t take much. This week I muse joyfully on being grateful for simple, for the ease of a summer day and the zen of watching children run around and play hide and seek in the pants rack of Salvation Army Thrift Store in Saugus.

With Budget Passed, Time To Go Home and Await the Consequences

UPDATE STRAIGHT TALK: Back in November, right after the election, I made some predictions about what would most likely be happening down at the State House, now that the Republicans are in total control. And boy, did I nail it!

Your Wednesday Toon

You’re the boss now. Please help pay Mike Marland and win a prize. Click inside.

Portsmouth Pride 2017: Hard Not To Feel The Love

THE GAY AGENDA: There wasn’t a stern face in the crowd and walking through a crowd of people who are similar to you in a way that feels so fundamental is an incredible feeling.