TV Shows With Gay Characters Mirror LGBTQ Struggles

One of the two biggest things I look for in a new show is: are there queer characters? The other is if it is a science fiction or fantasy show (I can’t get enough of Game of Thrones). I will and have watched shows that do not really have those two qualifiers, but I am more attracted to shows that do.

NH’s Third Rail: Who Will Feel the Toll Hike Shock?

Under the plan presented by the Department of Transportation, tolls at the Hooksett and Bedford booths would increase 50 cents to $1.50, and the Hampton toll booths would go from $2.00 to $2.50. The ramp or exit tolls would increase 25 cents to $1, which the EZ Pass discount would remain the same.

My Public Library Helped Make Me Who I Am Today

Her name was Miss Ryder and she was the librarian at Richards Memorial Library in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, where I grew up. It was the beginning of my literary life and Miss Ryder was as excited about teaching me the library ropes as I was to learn.

Are We Better Off Than We Were?

For this week’s Guru column, I am going to direct you to a recent item produced by the Pew Research Center, titled, “U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around the World Question Trump’s Leadership.”

Monica Reads: A Novel To Change Your Mind

Good versus evil and hope triumph over fear in this well-written book We Were Strangers Once by Betsy Carter.  The story takes us to the United States and Germany during the 1930s and to the beginning of the Second World War.