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Some Rude Lawmakers Seek To Conceal
Mike Marland
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/2016/01/page/3/)
Yesterday, the Center for Responsive Politics called on the Federal Communications Commission to vote in favor of expanding its current online repository of political ad data filed by stations around the country.
Inflammatory pre-trial publicity was an issue in the Netflix series, and now a defense lawyer wants to make it an issue in New York’s famous missing child case.
Oklahomans for a Conservative Future stands apart from most other dark money groups in a couple of ways. The first: its dedication to backing just one candidate, former Oklahoma House Speaker T.W. Shannon, a Republican who made an ultimately failed 2014 bid for a U.S. Senate seat.
Single male unmated coyote will travel for companionship. Medium build, thick gray coat, athletic and proven hunter. Hopeless romantic and alpha wannabe seeks female as an equal. A real SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy) for the right type.
The year was 2003.
I was at the South Mill Playground in Portsmouth when I observed activity, including a hearse at the intersection of Chestnut and Court streets.
Last month, Michele helped launch Breaking the Chains telling her story about a mother’s struggles dealing with an adult son who is addicted to heroin. He was trying to detox at home. She got back in touch with InDepthNH.org this week with some hopeful news.
The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction has labelled yet another project in danger of failing. This time its U.S. plans to develop the country’s oil, gas and minerals industries.
Sanctuary ATC’s cultivation center in Rochester is the first to receive DHHS approval to begin cultivating therapeutic cannabis in New Hampshire, according to a DHHS news release.
Attorney General Joseph Foster has refused a right-to-know request filed by InDepthNH.org to release documents related to his decision to issue medical marijuana ID cards to all qualifying patients.