Forest Society Lawyer Disputes Limiting Questions At Northern Pass Hearing

CONCORD — The attorney representing the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests challenged the Site Evaluation Committee chairman’s rulings limiting questions she and other intervenors can ask witnesses during Monday’s adjudicative hearing on the Northern Pass Transmission project.

Bob LaPree’s Video of the 10 North Country People Who Testified Against Northern Pass

If you haven’t had a chance to stop in at 49 Donovan St. in Concord to see first-hand how the Site Evaluation Committee hears testimony to prepare to decide whether to approve the Northern Pass/Eversource transmission project – the 192-mile high-voltage line from Pittsburg to Deerfield –’s chief photographer Bob LaPree covered Friday’s hearing and put together this video showing how the process works.

Video’s North Country 10 Testify On Northern Pass’ Impact

The 10 stars of Tim Shellmer’s anti-Northern Pass video were sworn in together Friday to testify before state regulators how the proposed 192-mile high-voltage transmission line from Pittsburg to Deerfield will impact them, their families – and their cows.