State Budgets Are Not Written in Stone

Whichever way you look at it, this biennium’s budget is about $210 million more than the last biennium or about a 1.6 precent increase no matter what the press releases said after the House and Senate passed last month — down nearly party lines — and went home until the fall.

Workforce Issues Exacerbated By the Pandemic

The Great Recession impacted men more than women and more women were employed in private industry than men from 2007 until 2015, but since that time more men are working than women.

Just Approved Budget Sends State in New Direction

There are any number of controversial provisions including the divisive concepts section that is not quite the prohibition on teaching controversial racial or sexual concepts as the original but certainly would prohibit critical race theory in public schools and universities.

Ugly Legislative Session Draws to a Close

COVID-19 has meant virtual or hybrid committee meetings, virtual sessions for the Senate, and in-person sessions held on athletic fields and parking lots in Durham and a sportsplex in Bedford for the House.