Your search for northern pass returned 619 results

Our friends at Firm B (Eversource) have some ‘splaining to do

New Hampshire uses about 9 percent of New England’s electricity. So, if a couple of rogue utilities pulled some sneaky tricks over three years that caused wholesale electricity prices in New England to be $3.6 billion higher than they should have been, that’s $324 million that was siphoned out of the pockets of electric customers in the Granite State.

October 22, 2017 |

Granite State Power Link To Brief NH Officials on Wednesday; No Press Allowed

Representatives of Granite State Power Link, which plans to deliver 1,200 megawatts of wind energy from Canada to New England, has invited state lawmakers,  the Congressional delegation, the Governor and Executive Council and staffs to a briefing on their proposal Wednesday at the Barley House in Concord. The briefing is closed to the press.

October 10, 2017 |

Sununu’s Visit With EversourceNH’s Bill Quinlan, IBEW Not On His Public Agenda

Eversource NH president Bill Quinlan, Manchester Community College and IBEW electrical representatives welcomed Gov. Chris Sununu to a regular lineworker training session Wednesday, according to an Eversource news release. But the event was not posted on Sununu’s public schedule.

September 27, 2017 |