Op-Ed: Taxes and Politics, About Time We Had An Honest Discussion About Them
Taxes are not inherently good or evil. They’re a means to an end; the end being supporting the kind of government we want and expect.
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Taxes are not inherently good or evil. They’re a means to an end; the end being supporting the kind of government we want and expect.
Concord police are investigating two vandalism incidents to a permitted statue placed Saturday near the nativity scene on city property in front of the State House by the Satanic Temple Congregation for New Hampshire and Vermont.
On Monday, S&P Global Ratings lowered the long-term issuer credit on the state’s largest utility, Eversource, from A- to BBB+.
For the second time in less than a month, the state Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday over whether New Hampshire’s current school funding scheme is constitutional.
After a quick storm which brought as much as 5 inches of snow to the state overnight and into Tuesday, the National Weather Service has issued a winter weather advisory for New Hampshire for Wednesday into Thursday as two to four inches of rain are expected in the central and northern part of the state.
From sensors on highways that would alert police to wrong-way drivers to ways to warn motorists of an approaching hazard, technology could help the state prevent highway tragedy and the state is now exploring them to save lives, Commissioner of Safety Robert Quinn said.
An old growth maple forest in Stewartstown, Hebron’s Town Library and the Center School in Atkinson are among more than two dozen treasured community assets that will be preserved by a grant match from the state’s Land and Community Heritage Investment Program in 2025.
Dartmouth Health study shows how easily AI models can give right answers for wrong reasons
Attorney General John M. Formella announces that Robert Gagnon, age 47, has been sentenced today on multiple charges in connection with the shooting of Carlos Quintong, age 46, in Brookline, and the murder of Robert Prest, age 83, in Lyndeborough, both on November 23, 2022.