Distant Dome: Christmas Comes for Some in New Hampshire
New Hampshire lawmakers have decreed that most of the “gifts” from the state do not go to the needy, but to those on the other end of the economic spectrum.
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New Hampshire lawmakers have decreed that most of the “gifts” from the state do not go to the needy, but to those on the other end of the economic spectrum.
The teaching staff at the Dartmouth College Child Care Center has voted to unionize and affiliate with Local 560 of the Service Employees International Union, which already represents hundreds of campus workers.
The people listed here passed away during the previous weeks and have some public or charitable connection to their community.
In a letter delivered Wednesday to Governor-elect Kelly Ayotte, more than one hundred New Hampshire immigrant advocates have called for the state to avoid involvement in President-elect Donald Trump’s plans for mass deportation.
Even though New Hampshire removed the statute of limitations to allow victims of sexual abuse to bring lawsuits decades later, the old limits still apply to a man trying to sue the Roman Catholic Diocese of Manchester.
I just finished putting up my Christmas tree. Is it just me or do the manufacturers of tree lights put in extra bulbs to just mess with you?
Reaction to Gov. Chris Sununu’s decision to withdraw the nomination of Mindy Atwood to be state librarian was forceful from both sides with some claiming she advances a “woke” agenda and others saying she simply opposes book censorship, which NEA-NH called a mainstream belief.
After temporarily rejecting proposed solid waste siting rules last month, a legislative committee voted 9-1 Thursday to approve them, despite public objections that they don’t go far enough in protecting the public.
Fired after his bosses reportedly covered up evidence in a use of force investigation, Department of Corrections Lt. Thomas Macholl continues to be stalled in his search for truth.