Lawyers, Guns and Money Spur NH House Debate
The House once again beat back any attempt to add stipulations to gun purchases that bill supporters said would reduce both homicides and suicides. (
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The House once again beat back any attempt to add stipulations to gun purchases that bill supporters said would reduce both homicides and suicides.
To close what supporters call a gun purchase loophole in the state related to mental health, Senate Democrats again have crafted a bill authorizing the state to report mental health data to a national firearms background check and allow for the processes for confiscation of firearms.
Those who engage in prostitution as a patron will pay a mandatory $500 fine under Senate Bill 267-FN and that money would go into a survivors’ fund under a bill heard Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
It’s been a tough couple of weeks for NH’s Josiah Bartlett Center, its president Drew Cline and board member Rep. Dan McGuire (R-Epsom). Cline, who doubles as the chair of NH’s state board of education, released a report on public education spending that uses questionable economics to make the claim NH spends too much.
The House also eliminated several offshore wind energy related offices from the Department of Energy in its session Thursday.
Pursuant to the plea agreement, sentencing for the charges of Perjury will be left to the discretion of the court, with both the State and the Defendant allowed to present arguments for an appropriate sentence.
Access to fair and affordable housing is essential for the stability and well-being of individuals and families. It determines access to quality education, healthcare, and employment opportunities.
On the Senate floor, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) raised concerns for public safety after the Trump Administration recklessly decided to fire hundreds of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) personnel critical to aviation safety.
Republican Gov. Kelly Ayotte issued a press release Wednesday directing the Department of Corrections to refer to incarcerated individuals as “inmates” instead of as “residents.”