Your search for northern pass returned 618 results

Hydro-Quebec and Natural Gas Back On Eversource Table

CONCORD — Eversource informed the Public Utilities Commission Monday that it will file a revised proposal to purchase natural gas capacity from the Access Northeast proposed pipeline. Eversource also asked regulators to vacate their order denying a Power Purchase Agreement with Hydro-Quebec included in the Northern Pass Transmission proposal.

June 11, 2018 |

Hydro-Quebec Says Two Other Mass. Clean Energy Bidders Still Want to Move Forward

“We are in the wait and see position right now,” said Hydro-Quebec spokesman Lynn St-Laurent. She said the Northern Pass project was further along with an in-service date of 2020. “We need to see what is going to happen,” St-Laurent said, “to see if the in-service date 2020 still holds.”

February 2, 2018 |

Wayne King’s ‘Sacred Trust’ Now Available in Bookstores and on Amazon

If the cover of “Sacred Trust,” created by editorial cartoonist Mike Marland, doesn’t clue you in, it won’t take long to realize that this novel is written as a vicarious
homage to New Hampshire’s own ongoing battle over the controversial
“Northern Pass” project and other similar projects.

January 28, 2018 |

Québec–NH Interconnection Project Approved By Quebec Government

“Today marks a major milestone, adding one more key authorization to those that have already been granted on both sides of the border, and moving us closer to proceed with the Québec–New Hampshire and Northern Pass Transmission projects,” said Éric Martel, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hydro-Québec.

December 21, 2017 |