Distant Dome: Economic Upheaval Is Inevitable, but Traumatic

But Gov. Chris Sununu vetoed the bill last week saying “New Hampshire ratepayers have been taken for over $200 million in order to subsidize the Burgess Biomass Plant in Berlin, NH. Enough is enough,” adding “The Power Purchase Agreement with Burgess Biopower is a great example of what can go wrong when the good intentions of a sympathetic government get exploited and abused by opportunists in the private sector.”

Gwen Whitbeck 1949-2023

Born Gwen Logan on June 4, 1949, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, she moved to the United States with her parents and was naturalized at an early age. She attended Rivier College in Nashua.

It Never Rains on the River

It’s raining today. Not just rain, but a deluge of biblical proportions. My canoe is ready by the back door just in case. I was supposed to go fishing today.