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InDepthNH.org’s Chris Jensen Awarded Fund for Investigative Journalism Grant
Chris Jensen, who also reports for the New York Times, moved to Bethlehem from Ohio in 2006. He covers the North Country for InDepthNH.org.
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/category/people/page/7/)
News about the people and places impacting NH.
Chris Jensen, who also reports for the New York Times, moved to Bethlehem from Ohio in 2006. He covers the North Country for InDepthNH.org.
There in chart form was my name in boldface and the names of nine of my closest and dearest neighbors (none of whom I know, by the way) listing if they or I voted or did not vote in the November 2012 general election, September 2014 primary election, or the November 2014 general election.
ANDRU VOLINSKY: ‘I’m honored to join voters like you across District 2 and New Hampshire to cast our ballots for progressive candidates up and down the ballot tomorrow.’
LISTEN HERE: Journalism students at the University of New Hampshire speak to their peers about what issues matter most in the 2016 election.
This book has been indelibly etched into my brain. Why? Do you know the difference between being a common everyday sleuth and an investigative reporter?
InDepthNH.org wants to share what YOU hope for the country on the run-up to the election and beyond. We want to share the voices of everyday people (and toddlers) amid the clamor of the candidates. Pundit Maya knows who she wants.
ROGER CARROLL: ‘I’ve interviewed scores of candidates running for everything from county sheriff to president of the United States and have come to one inescapable conclusion …’
‘I also hope we manage to do more for people who are suffering at home and abroad.’
GROWING FROM GRANITE: I heard her speak, more of a shocked utterance. “Oh my God,” followed quickly by a few muttered curse words. When I turned around, I witnessed the hot dark brown puddle I had created.