Passing the Torch . . . and Harrigan’s Legendary Camp

In this podcast John Harrigan recalls the serendipity of securing the land, tearing down the old camp – injudiciously placed in a swampy area too close to the water and falling down after years of deferred maintenance.

Roger Wood Talks Housing Stability With Katy Easterly Martey

New Hampshire’s hot housing market has made it difficult at best for those left behind. Evictions, substandard housing and homelessness are still plaguing this rich state. A panel called the Counsel on Housing Stability has released its first report seeking solutions to the issue. it is part of a three year effort.  The Counsel, appointed by the governor, has as its goal 13,500 new housing units in the state within the next three years. Katy Easterly Martey is a member of that council; she is executive director of the New Hampshire community development finance authority.

Toward A Fairer Distribution of Wealth

Some days as I ramble the fields and hills of the White Mountains I find myself pondering all the mistakes we have made as a nation in what we have always hoped would be the path to a “more perfect union.”