Committee Tweaks Recommendations For Virtual Meetings

Making it clear that it is encouraging all public bodies to provide opportunities for citizens to participate remotely, the committee making recommendations on virtual meetings is not asking the legislature to require public access.

Eversource Makes Boo-Boo; Wants Customers to Pay

Eversource threatened to take its toys and go home the other day.  Its reason says a lot about the central issue confronting New Hampshire’s captive utility customers as we head into a winter of soaring energy prices.

Thoughts About Get-Togethers To Chew On

I have a good friend who categorizes events, visits, meetings by the measurement of gum. Yes, the kind of gum you chew, chomp, blow bubbles with.  When she’s got a short meet up, that’s a Chiclet, a long chat equates to Bubblicious, a run in with a friend might be measured as a Big Red.

Living In Interesting Times

Two of the Republican Executive Councilors, David Wheeler and Joe Kenney, suggested the state should prohibit private companies from requiring employees to be vaccinated much like Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has done.

Op-Ed: DOT Spraying Roundup Along State Roads

Your agency is spraying Roundup on Knotweed patches along state roads. I was told by a DOT employee that DOT is not required to notify towns or landowners about this spraying. This is legally correct but not morally right.