Who Besides Maya Should Be President?

InDepthNH.org wants to share what YOU hope for the country on the run-up to the election and beyond. We want to share the voices of everyday people (and toddlers) amid the clamor of the candidates. Pundit Maya knows who she wants.

Say What?

See what else is on Mike Marland’s mind at marlandcartoons.com

Shhh! Extremely Cool Things Are Happening Here

JOYFUL MUSINGS: When I was growing up, Friday nights in Springfield’s Forest Park meant a trip to the Forest Park Public Library with my Dad. I still remember the colorful yellow stools, the books at my eye level. And I could take out as many books as I wanted – like an all you can eat buffet for the mind.

On The Move

Click inside to find out what’s happening in the rest of Mike Marland’s cartoon world.