Moonlight on the Stonehouse

Re-Imagining GDP – Do We Measure the Wrong Things or Need to Expand Our Thinking?

Then there are the American moments. Moments that speak to our broader sense of community: The lump that forms in our throats when the American Flag is unfurled at some pinnacle moment in time; the pride we feel when justice is done whether it is in the courtroom, the congress or on the streets; The joy we feel when Liberty prevails.

James Tissot (French, 1836-1902). The Flight into Egypt (La fuite en Égypte), 1886-1894. Opaque watercolor over graphite on gray wove paper. Brooklyn Museum.

Joy and Suffering Are at the Heart of Christmas

Christmas makes sense only if we can see that the baby in the manger was born in a very dark time. On the one hand, shepherds and angels knelt joyfully at his birth. On the other hand, his family had to run for their lives into a desolate place while Bethlehem became a killing field. The child in the manger is a light in deep darkness.

Gibson's Bookstore in Concord.

What Do Hillary, Concord Redevelopment, and Tourism Have in Common?

Several years ago, my research colleagues and I estimated that the typical leisure traveler in New Hampshire spends an estimated ninety dollars per day. Even if we allow for seventy-five percent attrition, this means that the Hillary Clinton book signing event will have contributed a healthy five figures in local spending.

Ho, Ho, Ho, But Watch Out For Letchy Santa

Santa Claus number one  is Exhausted Santa. He’s got kids climbing all over him, he’s ready to keel over, ready to climb under the covers until July. He’s done.  Exhausted.

Opinion: The Hoobub and the Grinch: Northern Pass Edition

In the original, Dr. Seuss’s Hoobub is enjoying the sun. A grinch approaches, and asks the Hoobub what he’ll pay for the string, given that the string is worth so much more than the sun. This Northern Pass edition differs slightly