Sununu After Zinke Meeting: Drilling Off NH Coast Not Likely Option

Gov. Sununu: “Success is built on personal relationships, which is why I spent time visiting directly with Secretary Zinke in Washington, D.C. today to discuss the future of potential offshore drilling along New Hampshire’s coast.”

Elle Shaheen Shares Ups and Downs Of Pushing for Hasty Pudding Change

What prompted the change last week? Roger Wood talks with Elle Shaheen of Portsmouth, a member of the Harvard class of 2021. Elle is majoring in theater, dance and media and communication and has been active with other students pushing for the Hasty Pudding change.

Wayne King’s ‘Sacred Trust’ Now Available in Bookstores and on Amazon

If the cover of “Sacred Trust,” created by editorial cartoonist Mike Marland, doesn’t clue you in, it won’t take long to realize that this novel is written as a vicarious
homage to New Hampshire’s own ongoing battle over the controversial
“Northern Pass” project and other similar projects.

Don’t anyone tell Bob that Bruce Willis’ character is already dead

The long cold snap we’ve survived has been an invitation to renew my acquaintance with an old friend. I can remember the days when this friend would send me to my mailbox two or three times a week, eagerly anticipating what was coming in red and white packages.

The Great Equalizer: The Internet Says Come Visit NH

The Internet has made it possible for small, isolated properties to compete with the New Yorks and Disney Worlds in promoting themselves. Previously, a small region in northern New Hampshire could not possibly approach the promotional impact of mega-travel destinations.

A Plethora of Beds and Babies: Happy B’day Mother Lillard, 97

And in one of those moments where I wonder what I have to complain about, I think of the story Julia tells of when her mom went in to the base hospital to birth her youngest. Only days after, Mrs. Lillard had to pack up and move to the next base as her husband was going back to Vietnam. Six children, a day-old baby, moving house and a husband off to Vietnam.

World Tourism: It’s Not Just About Packing Your Bags in NH

Tourism has become a leading element of the world’s economy. Spending—by travelers, and by the businesses that serve them—ranks no lower than fifth in most of the world’s nations. You cannot overstate its importance in generating jobs and revenue within New Hampshire.