Chanting ‘Hey hey, ho ho, homophobia has got to go’ at KSC parade

We dance and march and chant for a better world and a better community on campus. In the face of adversity, our pride does not waver, does not falter. We are as proud as ever, and I don’t mind dancing like nobody’s watching, because I do know they are watching.

Lessons from March for Our Lives: Give 16- and 17-Year-Olds the Right to Vote

I watched as a group of mostly 16- and 17-year-olds orchestrated the largest peaceful protest in American and World history with “The March for Our Lives” and  now I want to put it right up front: It’s time to give 16- and 17-year-old Americans the right to vote.

A Good Case for Travel

Have you ever considered where leisure or business travelers would be without a simple
innovation—the suitcase? One might presume that such carriers have been around
for as long as humankind itself.

George Liset of Dover Is Writing on the Fly

When I moved to New Hampshire many years ago to begin teaching, I couldn’t believe it. I would get up every morning and think how lucky I was to live here. The mountains, rivers, the Big Lake (Winnipesaukee) and the ocean. I couldn’t wait to get out enjoy them.