Cell Phones Mean Fishermen Can Fib No More

 I got a text just before I went to bed, “Look what I caught today!” The text was accompanied by three pictures of Landlocked Salmon, 17”, 20” and 22”.

Ms. Haspel’s At The Helm

 First, be aware that an inmate at Guantanamo who had personally been tortured by the CIA kindly offered to give testimony to Congress about Ms. Haspel’s qualifications. He was rebuffed. 

No Money Needed: Joy of the Swap May 25 in Dover

A SWAP. No money exchanges hands, there is no fund raising, a SWAP is a simple way to streamline your wardrobe, help the environment and perhaps share your fabulous wardrobe with someone else. 

Shea-Porter Seeks Probe of EPA Concealment of Research on PFAS Chemicals

WASHINGTON, DC— Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) today (Monday) sent a letter to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee asking it to investigate and hold hearings after reports that the White House and EPA concealed a critical report on the health impacts of PFAS chemicals, such as those that contaminated the groundwater around Pease.