Reciting the Hail Mary in Under 10 Seconds

Today I muse joyfully that I purchased that kneeler and celebrate the transformation of brown to periwinkle blue, on pleather to polka dots, on the transformative brilliance of prayer.

Big Check

Homegrown editorial cartoonist Mike Marland is keeping a watchdog eye on the State House in Concord and White House in Washington, D.C.

Swamping The Drain

Homegrown editorial cartoonist Mike Marland is keeping a watchdog eye on the State House in Concord and White House in Washington, D.C. See more of Mike Marland’s NH politics webcomic here.

Lewandowski Decision

Homegrown editorial cartoonist Mike Marland is keeping a watchdog eye on the State House in Concord and White House in Washington, D.C.