What’s a NH Farmer to Do About Climate Change?

Over the years some New Hampshire farmers have shared with me how they see climate change hitting home because of milder winters.

NH Commissioners: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

With few exceptions, when department heads’ four- or five-year terms end, Sununu has not reappointed them, and in several cases, after more than a decade in office.

Saving Forest Lake With Reluctant Warrior Jon Swan

Six months ago a Vermont company announced plans to create a landfill in the Forest Lake area and a firestorm of opposition was ignited. The people of Dalton, Whitefield, Bethlehem and nearby Littleton, led by a reluctant warrior named Jon Swan.

Opinion: Buckley Blasts Victoria Sullivan As An ‘Extremist’

While Democrats and Republicans in New Hampshire don’t agree on lots of issues, one area where there is common ground today is support for equality for all Granite Staters, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity.

NH Needs a School Bus Full of Julie Browns

Julie Brown of Rochester represented what our founders envisioned in creating a legislature of common citizens, a good public servant with passion, empathy, compassion and the common sense to balance competing needs.

Gotta Love That Pemigewasset River

Reed no sooner put his fly in the water when a big Brown Trout grabbed his ant and headed down stream. Line was screaming out from the reel and off he ran down river.