So What I Got in the Wrong Car
After arriving at work, mercifully, in the right car with my husband, my niece, Maeve, came to my school to tell stories of her adventures spending a semester in Rome.
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/author/susan-dromey-heeter-indepthnh-org/page/4/)
After arriving at work, mercifully, in the right car with my husband, my niece, Maeve, came to my school to tell stories of her adventures spending a semester in Rome.
Welcome, Musers, to the final column of 2022. It’s the end of a year, the beginning of a new one and here are musings for a better world, a better day, a better moment.
Happy all. Happy stay in your pajamas and watch too much tv, happy not getting cards out or gifts wrapped, happy day.
What I do know is that this most incredible event – for both men and women, is the Academy Awards, the Haley’s Comet, the Winning Lottery Ticket – every four years.
When I was in first grade, I thought of running away. I packed my ice skates in a suitcase. I am much older now, but if I were to run away, I’d still only pack my ice skates.
During this holiday season, during this most festive of times, I muse joyfully on watching way too much TV, coming home from work and watching that ever festive, ever joyful, ever jubilant program: The Sopranos.