Health & Mental Health
House Votes to Stop Paying for Poor Children’s Circumcisions
By a single vote, the House voted to stop paying for poor children’s circumcisions under the state Medicaid program. (
By a single vote, the House voted to stop paying for poor children’s circumcisions under the state Medicaid program.
The House voted to repeal the New Hampshire Vaccine Association, a nonprofit that the Legislature established more than 20 years ago to provide discounted childhood vaccines to providers.
At a time when childhood immunization rates are declining nationally and Texas is
experiencing a serious measles outbreak, the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee heard testimony Wednesday on two vaccine bills.
On May 19, 2022, at 10 a.m., Wendy Thomas received a phone call from her doctor. “Are you sitting down?” Thomas recalls her doctor asking. Her heart sank. She had just been diagnosed with breast cancer.
VIEW FROM INSIDE: Since the failure of the House of Representatives to pass HB1 (the operating budget) and HB2 (the capital budget), there has been some controversy regarding the New Hampshire House Republican Alliance (NHHRA).