Manchester Author’s Latest Novel Is a Must Read
The Hunter of Talyashevka is a most interesting read. It is basically a story of the history of the Jewish faith within the confines of Russia in 1926. (
The Hunter of Talyashevka is a most interesting read. It is basically a story of the history of the Jewish faith within the confines of Russia in 1926.
It feels like a long time since we lawyers worked hard as a profession to better the lives of our fellow citizens. We don’t get paid for that.
Further proof of spring: People in Washington are getting excited about their cherry blossoms. This, even though the annual Running of the Blossoms (or whatever they call it) has been canceled owing to concerns about covid.
And I am coming to believe that “the former guy,” as Joe Biden has happily stumbled upon calling him — an overweight carnival barker in actual clown make-up — became president of our country for very specific historical and cultural reasons (right time, right place, wrong man).
It took us two hundred years to get a president who instead took advantage of this fact; who sold us down the river for his own personal profit.
It’s hard to develop perspective on what we have gone through lately. But let me try.
A strong new ethics regime can no longer wait, taking into account the modern economy, modern communications, and the demonstrated willingness of dedicated grifters to skim as much fat as they can for themselves, in a way that has hitherto been considered unthinkable.
I’m lucky if I can order from the menu, and that’s when I’m traveling in England, where I speak the language.
We will light candles, we will spin tops, we will eat potato pancakes, and we will consider eating chocolate coins as well, even though most brands of Chanukah chocolate taste like wax.
One of the saddest things about having Trump in the White House is how obvious he has made everything. There is nothing new to say.