Gibson's Bookstore in Concord.

What Do Hillary, Concord Redevelopment, and Tourism Have in Common?

Several years ago, my research colleagues and I estimated that the typical leisure traveler in New Hampshire spends an estimated ninety dollars per day. Even if we allow for seventy-five percent attrition, this means that the Hillary Clinton book signing event will have contributed a healthy five figures in local spending.

Are We Better Off Than We Were?

For this week’s Guru column, I am going to direct you to a recent item produced by the Pew Research Center, titled, “U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around the World Question Trump’s Leadership.”

Canadians are Important Leisure Travelers in NH

Foremost among sources of these visitors are Massachusetts, the other New England states, and the Middle Atlantic region. Secondary partners abound. With approximately 350-400 thousand annual visitors to New Hampshire, Canadians represent one of this state’s most important supplementary travel markets.

Terrorism and Tourism: What’s a Nation to Do?

As you read this column, two weeks will have passed since the horrific attack, in Las Vegas, on innocent attendees at a Jason Aldean concert. The count of dead and injured remains incomprehensible; however, a fortnight after the fact, there are lessons to be learned.

Travel Services Ain’t What They Used to Be

Those travel behaviors, they are a changing. For years, we could count on a vacationer or businessperson exhibiting the ensuing behavior: arrival at an airport, followed by a quick taxi ride to a downtown hotel, before seeking a meal at either a sit-down or fast food restaurant.